Php user class ? setcookie


Utente Attivo
14 Feb 2008
Massa, Italy
Salve, chi conosce questa classe:

Mi dite come posso attivare il remember?

Vi posto la classe:
 * PHP Class to user access (login, register, logout, etc)
 * <code><?php
 * include('access.class.php');
 * $user = new flexibleAccess();
 * ? ></code>
 * For support issues please refer to the webdigity forums :
 * or the official web site:
 * ==============================================================================
 * @version $Id: access.class.php,v 0.93 2008/05/02 10:54:32 $
 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2007 Nick Papanotas (
 * @author Nick Papanotas <[email protected]>
 * @license GNU General Public License (GPL)
 * ==============================================================================


 * Flexible Access - The main class
 * @param string $dbName
 * @param string $dbHost 
 * @param string $dbUser
 * @param string $dbPass
 * @param string $dbTable

class flexibleAccess{
   * The database that we will use
   * var string
  var $dbName = 'phpuserclass';
   * The database host
   * var string
  var $dbHost = 'localhost';
   * The database port
   * var int
  var $dbPort = 3306;
   * The database user
   * var string
  var $dbUser = 'root';
   * The database password
   * var string
  var $dbPass = 'root';
   * The database table that holds all the information
   * var string
  var $dbTable  = 'users';
   * The session variable ($_SESSION[$sessionVariable]) which will hold the data while the user is logged on
   * var string
  var $sessionVariable = 'userSessionValue';
   * Those are the fields that our table uses in order to fetch the needed data. The structure is 'fieldType' => 'fieldName'
   * var array
  var $tbFields = array(
  	'userID'=> 'userID', 
  	'login' => 'username',
  	'pass'  => 'password',
  	'email' => 'email',
  	'active'=> 'active'
   * When user wants the system to remember him/her, how much time to keep the cookie? (seconds)
   * var int
  var $remTime = 2592000;//One month
   * The name of the cookie which we will use if user wants to be remembered by the system
   * var string
  var $remCookieName = 'ckSavePass';
   * The cookie domain
   * var string
  var $remCookieDomain = 'phpuserclass';
   * The method used to encrypt the password. It can be sha1, md5 or nothing (no encryption)
   * var string
  var $passMethod = 'sha1';
   * Display errors? Set this to true if you are going to seek for help, or have troubles with the script
   * var bool
  var $displayErrors = true;
  /*Do not edit after this line*/
  var $userID;
  var $dbConn;
  var $userData=array();
   * Class Constructure
   * @param string $dbConn
   * @param array $settings
   * @return void
  function flexibleAccess($dbConn = '', $settings = '')
	    if ( is_array($settings) ){
		    foreach ( $settings as $k => $v ){
				    if ( !isset( $this->{$k} ) ) die('Property '.$k.' does not exists. Check your settings.');
				    $this->{$k} = $v;
	    $this->remCookieDomain = $this->remCookieDomain == '' ? $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] : $this->remCookieDomain;
	    $this->dbConn = ($dbConn=='')? mysql_connect($this->dbHost.':'.$this->dbPort, $this->dbUser, $this->dbPass):$dbConn;
	    if ( !$this->dbConn ) die(mysql_error($this->dbConn));
	    mysql_select_db($this->dbName, $this->dbConn)or die(mysql_error($this->dbConn));
	    if( !isset( $_SESSION ) ) session_start();
	    if ( !empty($_SESSION[$this->sessionVariable]) )
		    $this->loadUser( $_SESSION[$this->sessionVariable] );
	    //Maybe there is a cookie?
	    if ( isset($_COOKIE[$this->remCookieName]) && !$this->is_loaded()){
	      //echo 'I know you<br />';
	      $u = unserialize(base64_decode($_COOKIE[$this->remCookieName]));
	      $this->login($u['uname'], $u['password']);
  	* Login function
  	* @param string $uname
  	* @param string $password
  	* @param bool $loadUser
  	* @return bool
  function login($uname, $password, $remember = false, $loadUser = true)
    	$uname    = $this->escape($uname);
    	$password = $originalPassword = $this->escape($password);
		  case 'sha1':
		  	$password = "SHA1('$password')"; break;
		  case 'md5' :
		  	$password = "MD5('$password')";break;
		  case 'nothing':
		  	$password = "'$password'";
		$res = $this->query("SELECT * FROM `{$this->dbTable}` 
		WHERE `{$this->tbFields['login']}` = '$uname' AND `{$this->tbFields['pass']}` = $password LIMIT 1",__LINE__);
		if ( @mysql_num_rows($res) == 0)
			return false;
		if ( $loadUser )
			$this->userData = mysql_fetch_array($res);
			$this->userID = $this->userData[$this->tbFields['userID']];
			$_SESSION[$this->sessionVariable] = $this->userID;
			if ( $remember ){
			  $cookie = base64_encode(serialize(array('uname'=>$uname,'password'=>$originalPassword)));
			  $a = setcookie($this->remCookieName,  $cookie,time()+$this->remTime, '/', $this->remCookieDomain);
		return true;
  	* Logout function
  	* param string $redirectTo
  	* @return bool
  function logout($redirectTo = '')
    setcookie($this->remCookieName, '', time()-3600);
    $_SESSION[$this->sessionVariable] = '';
    $this->userData = '';
    if ( $redirectTo != '' && !headers_sent()){
	   header('Location: '.$redirectTo );
	   exit;//To ensure security
  	* Function to determine if a property is true or false
  	* param string $prop
  	* @return bool
  function is($prop){
  	return $this->get_property($prop)==1?true:false;
  	* Get a property of a user. You should give here the name of the field that you seek from the user table
  	* @param string $property
  	* @return string
  function get_property($property)
    if (empty($this->userID)) $this->error('No user is loaded', __LINE__);
    if (!isset($this->userData[$property])) $this->error('Unknown property <b>'.$property.'</b>', __LINE__);
    return $this->userData[$property];
  	* Is the user an active user?
  	* @return bool
  function is_active()
    return $this->userData[$this->tbFields['active']];
   * Is the user loaded?
   * @ return bool
  function is_loaded()
    return empty($this->userID) ? false : true;
  	* Activates the user account
  	* @return bool
  function activate()
    if (empty($this->userID)) $this->error('No user is loaded', __LINE__);
    if ( $this->is_active()) $this->error('Allready active account', __LINE__);
    $res = $this->query("UPDATE `{$this->dbTable}` SET {$this->tbFields['active']} = 1 
	WHERE `{$this->tbFields['userID']}` = '".$this->escape($this->userID)."' LIMIT 1");
    if (@mysql_affected_rows() == 1)
		$this->userData[$this->tbFields['active']] = true;
		return true;
	return false;
   * Creates a user account. The array should have the form 'database field' => 'value'
   * @param array $data
   * return int
  function insertUser($data){
    if (!is_array($data)) $this->error('Data is not an array', __LINE__);
	  case 'sha1':
	  	$password = "SHA1('".$data[$this->tbFields['pass']]."')"; break;
	  case 'md5' :
	  	$password = "MD5('".$data[$this->tbFields['pass']]."')";break;
	  case 'nothing':
	  	$password = $data[$this->tbFields['pass']];
    foreach ($data as $k => $v ) $data[$k] = "'".$this->escape($v)."'";
    $data[$this->tbFields['pass']] = $password;
    $this->query("INSERT INTO `{$this->dbTable}` (`".implode('`, `', array_keys($data))."`) VALUES (".implode(", ", $data).")");
    return (int)mysql_insert_id($this->dbConn);
   * Creates a random password. You can use it to create a password or a hash for user activation
   * param int $length
   * param string $chrs
   * return string
  function randomPass($length=10, $chrs = '1234567890qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm'){
    for($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) {
        $pwd .= $chrs{mt_rand(0, strlen($chrs)-1)};
    return $pwd;
  	* SQL query function
  	* @access private
  	* @param string $sql
  	* @return string
  function query($sql, $line = 'Uknown')
    //if (defined('DEVELOPMENT_MODE') ) echo '<b>Query to execute: </b>'.$sql.'<br /><b>Line: </b>'.$line.'<br />';
	$res = mysql_db_query($this->dbName, $sql, $this->dbConn);
	if ( !res )
		$this->error(mysql_error($this->dbConn), $line);
	return $res;
  	* A function that is used to load one user's data
  	* @access private
  	* @param string $userID
  	* @return bool
  function loadUser($userID)
	$res = $this->query("SELECT * FROM `{$this->dbTable}` WHERE `{$this->tbFields['userID']}` = '".$this->escape($userID)."' LIMIT 1");
    if ( mysql_num_rows($res) == 0 )
    	return false;
    $this->userData = mysql_fetch_array($res);
    $this->userID = $userID;
    $_SESSION[$this->sessionVariable] = $this->userID;
    return true;

  	* Produces the result of addslashes() with more safety
  	* @access private
  	* @param string $str
  	* @return string
  function escape($str) {
    $str = get_magic_quotes_gpc()?stripslashes($str):$str;
    $str = mysql_real_escape_string($str, $this->dbConn);
    return $str;
  	* Error holder for the class
  	* @access private
  	* @param string $error
  	* @param int $line
  	* @param bool $die
  	* @return bool
  function error($error, $line = '', $die = false) {
    if ( $this->displayErrors )
    	echo '<b>Error: </b>'.$error.'<br /><b>Line: </b>'.($line==''?'Unknown':$line).'<br />';
    if ($die) exit;
    return false;

devo configurare questo:
* The cookie domain
* var string
var $remCookieDomain = 'phpuserclass';

Ma non mi riesce perchè se faccio i login e metto il checkbox non funziona dopo che rientro nella pagina.

Mi dite come posso fare?

Sono un pò di fuori... non mi vengono altro vorrei usare questa classe.
grazie mille chi mi aiuta...

per favore.


Utente Attivo
25 Feb 2005
Da quello che credo di aver capito devi valorizzare quel parametro con il nome di dominio o di sottodominio del tuo sito Web.


Utente Attivo
14 Feb 2008
Massa, Italy
si giusto ho risolto cosi.

si erano dimenticati di passare la variabile al setcookie,

lo letto nel loro forum in inglese e dicevano che era un bug.

fatto questo ho sistemato e funziona tutto.

grazie mille lo stesso.
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