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if ((isset ($_GET ["id"])) and ($_GET ["id"] !== "")) { // specific id
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$html = str_replace ("%title%", "HublistDc++ хабов Huburi" . safetext ((($row ["name"]) and ($row ["name"] !== "")) ? $row ["name"] : $row ["address"] . ((intval ($row ["port"]) !== 411) ? ":" . $row ["port"] : "")) . " - Comment", $html);
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$content = "";
$err_author = false;
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if ((isset ($_POST ["comment_author"])) and ($_POST ["comment_author"] !== "") and ($authorized === 0) and ($sql = $mysql->query ("select `class` from `accounts` where `username` = '" . $mysql->escape_string ($_POST ["comment_author"]) . "'")) and ($sql->num_rows > 0)) {
$err_author = true;
$err_string = "Author value is reserved, please use something else.";
} else if ((!isset ($_POST ["comment_text"])) or ($_POST ["comment_text"] === "")) {
$err_text = true;
$err_string = "Comment field is required.";
} else if ((isset ($_POST ["comment_vote"])) and ($_POST ["comment_vote"] !== "") and ($_POST ["comment_vote"] !== "good") and ($_POST ["comment_vote"] !== "bad")) {
$err_vote = true;
$err_string = "Vote field value is invalid.";
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$err_code = true;
$err_string = "Code field is required.";
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$err_code = true;
$err_string = "Invalid security code.";
} else if ((isset ($_POST ["comment_vote"])) and ($_POST ["comment_vote"] !== "") and ($istor)) {
$err_vote = true;
$err_string = "You can't vote for this hub because you're using Tor.";
} else if ((isset ($_POST ["comment_vote"])) and ($_POST ["comment_vote"] !== "") and (intval ($row ["banned"]) === 1)) {
$err_vote = true;
$err_string = "You can't vote for this hub because it's banned.";
} else {
$ok = true;
if ((isset ($_POST ["comment_vote"])) and ($_POST ["comment_vote"] !== "")) { // submit vote if we have one
if (($sql = $mysql->query ("select `id`, `time` from `hubvotes` where `addr` = '" . $mysql->escape_string ($_SERVER ["REMOTE_ADDR"]) . "' and `hub` = " . $row ["id"] . " limit 1")) and ($sql->num_rows > 0) and ($vote = $sql->fetch_array ())) {
if (($diff = (time () - $vote ["time"])) < 86400) {
$err_vote = true;
$err_string = sprintf ("You can't vote for this hub more than once a day, wait another %s.", uptimefromsec (86400 - $diff));
$ok = false;
} else {
$mysql->query ("update `hubvotes` set `vote` = '" . (($_POST ["comment_vote"] === "good") ? "+" : "-") . "', `time` = " . time () . ", `notify` = 0 where `id` = " . $vote ["id"]);
} else {
$mysql->query ("insert into `hubvotes` (`vote`, `time`, `addr`, `hub`) values ('" . (($_POST ["comment_vote"] === "good") ? "+" : "-") . "', " . time () . ", '" . $mysql->escape_string ($_SERVER ["REMOTE_ADDR"]) . "', " . $row ["id"] . ")");
if ($ok) {
$mysql->query ("update `hublist` set `" . $_POST ["comment_vote"] . "vote` = `" . $_POST ["comment_vote"] . "vote` + 1 where `id` = " . $row ["id"]);
if ($ok) {
$mysql->query ("insert into `comments` (`author`, `text`, `time`, `ip`, `type`, `type_id`) values (" . (((isset ($_POST ["comment_author"])) and ($_POST ["comment_author"] !== "")) ? "'" . $mysql->escape_string ($_POST ["comment_author"]) . "'" : "null") . ", '" . $mysql->escape_string ($_POST ["comment_text"]) . "', " . time () . ", '" . $mysql->escape_string ($_SERVER ["REMOTE_ADDR"]) . "', 5, " . $row ["id"] . ")");
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