Windows 7: errore 80072EFE su Windows Update

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12 Dic 2013
Aci Catena (Catania)
Ciao a tutti,
premesso che è noto che il supporto per Windows 7 è terminato, ma vorrei chiedervi è comunque possibile scaricare le patch/fix/aggiornamenti tramite Windows Update.

Ho riesumato un vecchio Pentium IV che utilizzo solo per la sua porta firewire (IEEE 1394).

Ho installato Windows 7 32bit e avviato gli aggiornamenti, subito ho ottenuto il seguente errore:

Ho utlizzato il tool nativo per la risoluzione dei problemi, ricevendo il seguente messaggio:

Ho seguito diverse guide:
- installare l'aggiornamento KB3138612 ("impossibile installare l'aggiornamento")
- stoppare e avviare i servizi dedicati
- effettuare un reset della cartella Windows/SoftwareDistribution
il problema persiste.


Ho anche provato a scaricare manualmente gli aggiornamenti da, ma non riesco proprio ad installarli.
Ovviamente la versione di Windows in mio possesso è sempre la stessa, usata per anni senza alcun problema.

Substantially Windows Update Error 80072EFE arises when working with a windows machine. Error 80072EFE is either server- or client-slide linked. Therefore, you can't solve the problem from the server side alone. Here are the methods to resolve this issue.

Methods To Resolve Error Code 80072EFE in Windows 10, 7, 8
The Windows update error code 80072EF and solving strategies are as follows:

  1. Deleting folder CatRoot2.
  2. Windows Central Community Rules reset.
  3. Repairing the associated registry entries with error code 80072EFE.
  4. Cleaning the machine Junk files.
  5. The modifications are restored using 'Windows Framework Restore.'
  6. Uninstall and reinstall Windows Repair programs correlated with error 80072EFE.
Delete The CatRoot2 Folder

To uninstall the CatRoot2 folder on your computer, go through the following steps:

  • Press the Windows key and the letter R from the keyboard.
  • Then, on the Run dialogue box type 'services.msc' and press the Enter key from the keyboard.
  • Now, in the Services window, click twice on 'Cryptographic Services'.
  • After that, in the 'Cryptographic Services Properties' window, select the tab 'General'.
  • Next, select the option 'Stop' in the same window and then go to the address 'C: \ Windows \ System32' and then find the folder 'CatRoot2'
  • Now, delete the folder and then go back to the 'Cryptographic Services Properties' window. After that, select the option 'Start' to restart the services again on your computer.
  • Finally, reboot your computer and check if the issue is resolved.
Reset The Local Group Policy Of Windows

  1. Press the Windows key and the letter R from the keyboard.
  2. Then, in the Run dialogue box type 'gpedit.msc' and press the Enter key from the keyboard.
  3. Now, go to 'Local Computer Policy' and then select 'Computer Configuration'.
  4. After that, select 'Administrative Templates' and then select 'All Settings'.
  5. Next, click on the policies that are either 'Enabled' or 'Disabled'.
  6. Then, configure the 'State' to 'Not configured'.
  7. Now, reboot your computer and download the 'Windows Updates' forcefully.
  8. Then, configure the 'State' to 'Not configured'.
  9. Now, reboot your computer and download the 'Windows Updates' forcefully.

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