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28 Dic 2008
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Functional MRI May Predict Future Brain Activity

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NEW YORK (Reuters Health) Jan 21 - The findings from an animal study suggest that functional MRI (fMRI) is not only able to identify currently active brain regions, it is also capable of identifying which regions will soon become active.

According to the report in the January 22nd issue of Nature, it has commonly been assumed that when fMRI detects hemodynamic signals, these signals directly reflect local neuronal activity. In the present study, Dr. Aniruddha Das and Dr. Yevgeniy Sirotin, from Columbia University, New York, show that this is not always true.

Using a dual-wave-length optical imaging technique that independently captures cerebral blood volume and oxygenation, the research team investigated the association between hemodynamic signals and neuronal activity in monkeys.

Increased blood flow in a brain region did correspond with current neuronal activity in that region. However, increased blood flow of comparable strength was also noted in less active regions. These regions, the authors believe, represent ones that will soon become active.

In one experiment, the authors assessed cerebral blood flow and neuronal activity when the animals were placed in darkness. They found that although the animals could not see and there was little neuronal activity in the visual cortex, blood flow in the visual cortex was nonetheless increased. This implies that the animals were anticipating a task in the near future in which vision would be needed.

"These findings," the researchers conclude, "challenge the current understanding of the link between brain hemodynamics and local neuronal activity. They also suggest the existence of a novel preparatory mechanism in the brain that brings additional arterial blood to cortex in anticipation of expected tasks."

Nature 2009;457:475-480.

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ricercatori dell'Università dell'Oregon, sono riusciti a dimostrare l'utilità della Risonanza magnetica funzionale (fMRI) nella detezione delle aree di corteccia cerebrale attivate nei secondi successivi ad uno stimolo visivo. I pazienti sottoposti allo studio, cercavano di mantenere memorizzata l'immagine di un colore visualizzato per pochi istanti. I ricercatori sono riusciti, analizzando la topografia delle aree attivate, ad ipotizzare il colore cha aveva visualizzato il paziente, dimostrando quindi che per ogni colore veniva attivata un area differente.

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