pdo e sistema crud


Utente Attivo
14 Feb 2008
Massa, Italy
Salve, sto provando una classe ma ho un problema non di mal funzionamento ma di funzionamento della classe.
ho questa classe:
 * CRUD Class 
 * @author      Jesse Boyer
 * @version     1.0a
 * @copyright   free for all
 * @usage

    // Construct
    $crud = new CRUD('mysql', 'demo', 'localhost', 'root');
    $crud->table = 'phone';
    // Insert
    $crud->insert(['name' => 'General', 'brand_id' => 2]);

    // Delete
    $crud->delete(['name' => 'General']);

    // Update
    $crud->update(['name' => 'WORD'], 2);
    $crud->update(['name' => '123'], ['brand_id' => 1]);

    // Select
    $crud->select('phone_id, name', 2);
    $crud->select('phone_id, name', ['brand_id' => 2]);
    $crud->select(['phone_id', 'name'], ['brand_id' => 2]);
// Database: CRUD
class CRUD extends PDO

    // Define the table to use
    public $table = null;
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Instantiate a PDO Instance with CRUD functionality
     * @param string $db_type
     * @param string $db_name
     * @param string $db_host
     * @param string $db_user
     * @param string $db_pass
     * @return void
    public function __construct($db_type, $db_name, $db_host, $db_user, $db_pass = '') 
        try {
            $dsn = "$db_type:dbname=$db_name;host=$db_host";
            parent::__construct($dsn, $db_user, $db_pass);
            $this->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_DEFAULT_FETCH_MODE, PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
        } catch(PDOException $e) {
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Select
     * @param mixed $columns String or Array
     * @param array $data Must be Associative Array ['Column' => 'Value']
     * @return array
    public function select($columns, $where = null) {
        if (is_array($columns)) {
            $columns = implode(',', $columns);
        // Build the WHERE Statement
        $where_stmt = $this->_whereBuilder($where);
        if (!is_array($where)) {
            $where = ['primary_key' => $where];
        // Run the Query
        $stmt = $this->prepare("SELECT $columns FROM `{$this->table}` $where_stmt");
        return $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Inserts data into database
     * @param array $data Must be Associative Array ['Column' => 'Value']
     * @return mixed Boolean or insertID
    public function insert($data) 
        $keys_array = array_keys($data);
        $keys       = '`' . implode('`, `', $keys_array) . '`';
        $params     = ':' . implode(', :', $keys_array);
        $sth = $this->prepare("INSERT INTO `{$this->table}` ($keys) VALUES($params)");
        $result = $sth->execute($data);
        if ($result == 1) {
            return $this->lastInsertId();

        return false;
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Update
     * @param array $data   Associate key/value pairs to changes
     * @param mixed $where  Either an array or a numeric primary key index
     * @return integer Total affected rows
    public function update($data, $where) {
        // Create the string for SET {here}
        $set = '';
        foreach ($data as $_key => $_value) {
            $set .= "`$_key` = :$_key,";
        // Remove the trailing comma
        $set = rtrim($set, ',');
        // Build the WHERE Statement
        $where_stmt = $this->_whereBuilder($where);
        if (!is_array($where)) {
            $where = ['primary_key' => $where];
        // Combine the DATA and WHERE to bind to both parameters
        $data = array_merge($data, $where);
        // Run the Query
        $sth = $this->prepare("UPDATE `{$this->table}` SET $set $where_stmt");
        return $sth->rowCount();
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Delete
     * @param mixed $where  Either an array or a numeric primary key index
     * @return boolean
    public function delete($where) 

        // Build the WHERE Statement
        $where_stmt = $this->_whereBuilder($where);
        if (!is_array($where)) {
            $where = ['primary_key' => $where];
        // Tun the Query
        $sth = $this->prepare("DELETE FROM `{$this->table}` $where_stmt");
        return $sth->rowCount();
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Builds the MySQL WHERE Clause
     * @param mixed $where
     * @return mixed Could be empty or a where condition
    private function _whereBuilder($where)
        $where_stmt = null;
        if (is_numeric($where)) 
            $primary = $this->table . '_id';
            $where_stmt = " WHERE `$primary` = :primary_key";
        elseif (is_array($where)) 
            // Build the Where Statement
            $where_stmt = '';
            foreach ($where as $_key => $_value) {
                $where_stmt .= "`$_key` = :$_key AND ";
            $where_stmt = " WHERE " . rtrim($where_stmt, ' AND ');
        return $where_stmt;
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Checks if the table has been set, this is required
    private function _isTableSet() {
        if ($this->table == null) {
            die('You must set the $crud->table');
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
/** EOF */

ora il mio codice di test è questo:
 $crud = new CRUD('mysql', 'crud_test', 'localhost', 'root');
 $crud->table = 'rubrica';
 $rub = $crud->select('*');

 foreach($rub as $row)
  echo $row["nome"]."\n";
  echo $row["cognome"];
  $nome = "Luigi";
  $cognome = "Amorfini";
  $crud->insert(['nome' => ''.$nome.'', 'cognome' => ''.$cognome.'']);


mi dite come posso usare il ciclo while invece del foreach?
Perché mi servirebbe anche il controllo dell'if per visualizzare singolo dato.

Mi dite come posso implementare in questa classe?

Grazie mille e buona domenica.
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