HTML issues with creating a register and login page + general questions

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Nuovo Utente
26 Mar 2019
Hello everyone...

I am trying to make an HTML site and start need to register and login but I can't seem to find any guides that walk through anything. I did HTML in highschool and that was a long time ago and dont remember EVERYTHING but I remember a lot but this we were never taught.

Just wondering if someone can help me figure it out. I'm using Excel to store and pull the usernames and passwords. and I have attached my code for the registration but it does nothing when I do it.

I think i need to hit the top of the page instead of having to hit it that gave me any kind of answers to start this build. I built the basics with notepad (what I was taught) I was getting all the code figured out.

Max 1

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Membro dello Staff
29 Feb 2012
Solo discussioni in lingua Italiana
Non è possibile spiegare come fare un sito in una discussione dal forum! Poi il solo HTML non basta per avere una procedura di login, si deve usare un linguaggio lato server.

Qui chiudo se vuoi puoi aprire una nuova discussione ad esempio nella sezione cerco collaborazione ma tassativamente in Italiano e solo dopo aver letto attentamente il regolamento generale e di sezione del forum
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