Green Orange - PHP Framework

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Nuovo Utente
17 Apr 2005
Green Orange Project is born with the idea to use the browser as environment where to be able to perform the applications stand-alone and for the web.

The language of programming used for the project is the PHP, and Green Orange includes a complete collection of classes, organized in levels and families (packages), that allows to plan and to implement a software making wide use of the OOP.

Besides, Green Orange is the first environment of development that makes available an interface graphics, easy to use, to quickly build using the browser an application or simply a site.

The framework and the whole visual environment of development is under license GPL, therefore completely free.

Our framework is your framework therefore we invite you to spread it, to use it, to widen it and to signal every possible malfunction to us, to the purpose to improve and to share with the whole community what is done.





$html = new Tag(_H_HTML);
$head = new Tag(_H_HEAD);
$title = new Tag(_H_TITLE);
$body = new Tag(_H_BODY);
$form = new Tag(_H_FORM);
$button = new Button();

$title->setTagValue("Example 2");


$button->setLink("javascript:alert('Green Orange is cool')");




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