Controllo checkbox con javascript


Utente Attivo
1 Mag 2010
Ciao a tutti,

io avrei bisogno di un aiuto...

<script type="text/javascript">

function CAPTCHA()
var car, min, max, dif, lun, inc;
car  = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
car += "1234567890";
min  = 5;
max  = 5;
dif  = max - min;
lun  = Math.round((Math.random() * dif) + min);
inc  = 0;
cod  = "";
while (inc < lun)
  cod += car.charAt(Math.round(Math.random() * car.length));
return cod;
}<!--Crea il captcha -->

function Prova(){
document.getElementById("captcha").innerHTML = CAPTCHA();<!--crea immagine captcha -->

function Invia()
var key2 = document.enter.key2.value;
if (key2 != document.getElementById("captcha").innerHTML)
  alert("Please enter a correct code");
  document.enter.key2.value = "";
  document.enter.method = "post";
  document.enter.action = "<?php print($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); ?>";
}<!--Verifica il captcha -->


session_start();	// Maintain session state
header("Cache-control: private");	// Fixes IE6's back button problem.

// Dont allow members to go to add user page
if(@$_SESSION['user']) header("location: login.php");
	// Get and set vars (without html characters)
	$user = htmlspecialchars(strtolower($_POST["user"]));
	$pass = htmlspecialchars($_POST["pass"]);
	$permission = 0;		// Default: user, until admin changes
	$email = htmlspecialchars($_POST["email"]);
	$url = htmlspecialchars($_POST["url"]);

	// Add dots to date
	$joined = $_POST["joined"];

	// Create the string to append
	$string = "\r\n". $user. "<del>". md5($pass). "<del>". $permission. "<del>". $email. "<del>". $joined;

	// Make sure username doesn't already exist
	// Include the flat-file
	$file = file("users.php") or die("Problem getting the user details flat-file [users.php]");

	// Get the size of file
	$totalLines = sizeof($file);

	// Get the users details line by line
	$line = 0;
	$match = 0;
		// Check the line isn't a comment
		if("//" != substr($file[$line], 0, 2)){
			// Break our records up
			@list($username, $password, $permission, $email, $url, $joined) = explode("<del>", $file[$line]);

			// Check the username and passwords match
			if((strtolower($user) == strtolower($username))) $match = 1;
			else $match = 0;

		// Exit loop if match found
		if($match) break;
		// Increment line count
	} while($line < $totalLines);

	// Only add new user if a match is not found
		<script language = "javascript" type = "text/javascript">
		<!-- // Go back
			alert("Username already taken, taking you back to choose another");
		// Open the users file
		$fp = fopen("users.php", "a+");

		// Append the new user to end of users file
		fwrite($fp, $string);

		// Close the file

		// Redirect to index
		header("location: index.php?new=1");
      <form name="enter" action="">
	    <table width="451" border = "0" align = "left" cellpadding = "10" cellspacing = "0" style = "height: 80%; text-align: left;">
		<td height="52" colspan = "3" align="left" valign = "top">
			<span class = "bold">Join our member list!</span></td>
		<td width = "162" height = "10" align="left" valign = "top">
			<span class = "hilight">Username:</span>
		<td width = "249" height = "10" align="left" valign = "top">
			<input name = "user" type = "text" class = "text" id = "user" style = "width: 80%" tabindex = "1" maxlength="20">
		<td width = "162" height = "10" align="left" valign = "top">
			<span class = "hilight">Password:</span>
		<td width = "249" height = "10" align="left" valign = "top">
			<input name = "pass" type = "password" class = "text" id = "pass" style = "width: 80%" tabindex = "2" maxlength="20">
		<td width = "162" height = "10" align="left" valign = "top">
			<p class="hilight"> Repeat Password:</p></td>
		<td width = "249" height = "10" align="left" valign = "top">
			  <input name = "pass2" type = "password" class = "text" id = "pass2" style = "width: 80%" tabindex = "3" maxlength="20">
		<td width = "162" height = "10" align="left" valign = "top">
		<td width = "249" height = "10" align="left" valign = "top">
			<input type = "text" id = "email" name = "email" style = "width: 80%" class = "text" tabindex = "4">
		<td width = "162" height = "10" align="left" valign = "top">
			Repeat Email:
		<td width = "249" height = "10" align="left" valign = "top">
			<input type = "text" id = "url" name = "url" style = "width: 80%" class = "text" tabindex = "5">
		<td width = "162" height = "10" align="left" valign = "top">
			Join our newsletter:
		<td width = "249" height = "10" align="left" valign = "top"><label>
		  <input type="checkbox" name="news" id="news" />
		<td width = "162" height = "10" align="left" valign = "top">
			Read and approve privacy policy:
		<td width = "249" height = "10" align="left" valign = "top"><label>
		  <input type="checkbox" name="privacy" id="privacy" />
        <th width="199" height="74" scope="row"><p>Enter code from image (case sensitive):</p></th>
        <td width="181"><label>          
            <span id="captcha"></span><br><br>
            <input name="key2" type="text" id="key2" size="10">
		<td  width = "100" height = "30" colspan = "3" valign = "top"><input name = "submit" type = "Image" tabindex = "10" onfocus = "return checkFields();" src = "Immagini/Enter/Join.gif" alt = "arrow pointing right: next" align = "middle" onclick="Invia()"/>		  <input type = "hidden" name = "joined" value = "<?php print(date("d.m.Y H:i:s", mktime())); ?>" /></td>
</form> <!--Form registrazione -->

<script language = "javascript" type = "text/javascript">
<!--// Check field values are correct before submitting
	function checkFields(){
		var flag = 1;	// Return flag

		// Check for empty values in important fields first
		if(!document.getElementById("user").value || !document.getElementById("pass").value || !document.getElementById("pass2").value || !document.getElementById("email").value ||!document.getElementById("url").value ||!document.getElementById("key2").value){
			alert("Please enter all values, join the newsletter and approve privacy terms");
			return true;
		// Check that passwords are the same
		else if(document.getElementById("pass").value != document.getElementById("pass2").value){
			alert("Please enter two matching passwords");
			document.getElementById("pass").value = '';
			document.getElementById("pass2").value = '';
			return true;
		// Check that email are the same
		else if(document.getElementById("email").value != document.getElementById("url").value){
			alert("Please enter two matching email");
			document.getElementById("email").value = '';
			document.getElementById("url").value = '';
			return true;
		else flag = 0;

		// One final check if the others went through fine
				// Finally, check the email
				if(document.getElementById("email").value.indexOf("@") == -1 || document.getElementById("email").value.indexOf(".") == -1){
					alert("Please make sure email is valid");
					return true;
				else return false;
			else return false;

  <!--Registrazione -->


Il codice qui sopra è un form riadattato da me che raccoglie dati di registrazioni e fa un pò di verifiche, se l'user esiste già, la mail, che tutto sia inserito e cose così più la generazione del CAPTCHA.

Quello che non riesco a fare è verificare che i checkbox siano stati spuntati....

Credo dovrei prima definire le variabile e poi inserire nello script il controllo delle stesse....una cosa tipo:

// Get and set vars (without html characters)
	$user = htmlspecialchars(strtolower($_POST["user"]));
	$pass = htmlspecialchars($_POST["pass"]);
	$permission = 0;		// Default: user, until admin changes
	$email = htmlspecialchars($_POST["email"]);
	$url = htmlspecialchars($_POST["url"]);
        $news = $_POST["news"];
        $privacy = $_POST["privacy"];

 Check for empty values in important fields first
		if(!document.getElementById("user").value || !document.getElementById("pass").value || !document.getElementById("pass2").value || !document.getElementById("email").value ||!document.getElementById("url").value ||!document.getElementById("privacy").value ||!document.getElementById("news").value||!document.getElementById("key2").value){
			alert("Please enter all values, join the newsletter and approve privacy terms");
			return true;

Però così non va....sbaglio i comandi....Chi sa dirmi come devo inserire le variabili e recuperarle nello script?

Con Javascript per controllare se una checkbox è spuntata basta controllarne il valore. Se è quello definito nel parametro value allora è spuntata, altrimenti no. Una cosa del genere:
if(document.getElementById('IDcheck').value == 'valoredefinito')
    // ...
    // ...
E il "valoredefinito" lo setto così:

<input type="checkbox" name="privacy" id="privacy" value="1" />

E quindi dopo avrò una cosa tipo:

// Check newsletter
		else if(document.getElementById("news").value == "1")
			alert("Please join the newsletter");
			return true;
		// Check newsletter
		else if(document.getElementById("privacy").value == "1")
			alert("Please you need to approve privacy terms");
			return true;

O no?
Ho risolto con uno script così...

if(document.forms[0].news.checked != true) {
		alert("Please join our newsletter");
        return false;

Grazie Ale.

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