buonasera a tutti, spero che tra di voi qualcuno possa darmi una mano
perché non so più dove sbattere la testa ;(
Ho una classe che vi posto due script mi dovrebbero restituire il messaggio con la foto e ok, ma non mi restituisce l'username ma l'id e l'username non mi viene fuori...
Spero davvero che qualcuno mi illumini o mi dica cosa sbaglio .
Classe functions
La query incriminata
dove la recupero ..
perché non so più dove sbattere la testa ;(
Ho una classe che vi posto due script mi dovrebbero restituire il messaggio con la foto e ok, ma non mi restituisce l'username ma l'id e l'username non mi viene fuori...
Spero davvero che qualcuno mi illumini o mi dica cosa sbaglio .
Classe functions
class Wall_Updates {
// Updates
public function Updates($uid)
$query = mysql_query("SELECT M.msg_id, M.uid_fk, M.message, M.created FROM messages M WHERE M.uid_fk='$uid' OR M.uid_fk IN (SELECT u.username FROM users AS u WHERE u.uid = u.uid AND u.uid = u.username ) OR M.uid_fk IN (SELECT user_1 FROM relationship AS r WHERE r.user_2 = '$uid' AND r.amico = 'S') OR M.uid_fk IN (SELECT user_2 FROM relationship AS r WHERE r.user_1 = '$uid' AND r.amico = 'S') order by M.msg_id desc ") or die(mysql_error());
return $data;
public function Comments($msg_id)
$query = mysql_query("SELECT C.com_id, C.uid_fk, C.comment, C.created, U.username FROM comments C, users U WHERE C.uid_fk=U.uid and C.msg_id_fk='$msg_id' order by C.com_id asc ") or die(mysql_error());
return $data;
//Avatar Image
public function Gravatar($uid)
$query = mysql_query("SELECT nome_file_vero FROM `users` WHERE uid='$uid'") or die(mysql_error());
$lowercase = strtolower(nome_file_vero);
$nome_file_vero = md5( $lowercase );
return $data;
return $data;
//Insert Update
public function Insert_Update($uid, $update)
$query = mysql_query("SELECT msg_id,message FROM `messages` WHERE uid_fk='$uid' order by msg_id desc limit 1") or die(mysql_error());
$result = mysql_fetch_array($query);
if ($update!=$result['message']) {
$query = mysql_query("INSERT INTO `messages` (message, uid_fk, ip,created) VALUES ('$update', '$uid', '$ip','$time')") or die(mysql_error());
$newquery = mysql_query("SELECT M.msg_id, M.uid_fk, M.message, M.created, U.username FROM messages M, users U where M.uid_fk=U.uid and M.uid_fk='$uid' order by M.msg_id desc limit 1 ");
$result = mysql_fetch_array($newquery);
return $result;
return false;
//Delete update
public function Delete_Update($uid, $msg_id)
$query = mysql_query("DELETE FROM `comments` WHERE msg_id_fk = '$msg_id' ") or die(mysql_error());
$query = mysql_query("DELETE FROM `messages` WHERE msg_id = '$msg_id' and uid_fk='$uid'") or die(mysql_error());
return true;
//Insert Comments
public function Insert_Comment($uid,$msg_id,$comment)
$query = mysql_query("SELECT com_id,comment FROM `comments` WHERE uid_fk='$uid' and msg_id_fk='$msg_id' order by com_id desc limit 1 ") or die(mysql_error());
$result = mysql_fetch_array($query);
if ($comment!=$result['comment']) {
$query = mysql_query("INSERT INTO `comments` (comment, uid_fk,msg_id_fk,ip,created) VALUES ('$comment', '$uid','$msg_id', '$ip','$time')") or die(mysql_error());
$newquery = mysql_query("SELECT C.com_id, C.uid_fk, C.comment, C.msg_id_fk, C.created, U.username FROM comments C, users U where C.uid_fk=U.uid and C.uid_fk='$uid' and C.msg_id_fk='$msg_id' order by C.com_id desc limit 1 ");
$result = mysql_fetch_array($newquery);
return $result;
return false;
//Delete Comments
public function Delete_Comment($uid, $com_id)
$query = mysql_query("DELETE FROM `comments` WHERE uid_fk='$uid' and com_id='$com_id'") or die(mysql_error());
return true;
La query incriminata
// Updates
public function Updates($uid)
$query = mysql_query("SELECT M.msg_id, M.uid_fk, M.message, M.created FROM messages M WHERE M.uid_fk='$uid' OR M.uid_fk IN (SELECT u.username FROM users AS u WHERE u.uid = u.uid AND u.uid = u.username ) OR M.uid_fk IN (SELECT user_1 FROM relationship AS r WHERE r.user_2 = '$uid' AND r.amico = 'S') OR M.uid_fk IN (SELECT user_2 FROM relationship AS r WHERE r.user_1 = '$uid' AND r.amico = 'S') order by M.msg_id desc ") or die(mysql_error());
return $data;
dove la recupero ..
include_once 'includes/db.php';
include_once 'includes/functions2.php';
include_once 'includes/tolink.php';
include_once 'includes/time_stamp.php';
include_once 'session.php';
$Wall = new Wall_Updates();
<div class="stbody" id="stbody<?php echo $msg_id;?>">
<div class="stimg">
<img src="<?php echo $face;?>" class='big_face'/>
<div class="sttext">
<a class="stdelete" href="#" id="<?php echo $msg_id;?>" title='Delete update'>X</a>
<b><?php echo $username ;?></b> <?php echo $message;?>
<div class="sttime"><?php time_stamp($time);?> | <a href='#' class='commentopen' id='<?php echo $msg_id;?>' title='Comment'>Comment </a></div>
<div id="stexpandbox">
<div id="stexpand"></div>
<div class="commentcontainer" id="commentload<?php echo $msg_id;?>">
<?php// include('load_comments.php') ?>
<div class="commentupdate" style='display:none' id='commentbox<?php echo $msg_id;?>'>
<div class="stcommentimg">
<img src="<?php echo $face;?>" class='small_face'/>
<div class="stcommenttext" >
<form method="post" action="">
<textarea name="comment" class="comment" maxlength="200" id="ctextarea<?php echo $msg_id;?>"></textarea>
<br />
<input type="submit" value=" Comment " id="<?php echo $msg_id;?>" class="comment_button"/>
foreach($updatesarray as $data)
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function(){$("#stexpand<?php echo $msg_id;?>").oembed("<?php echo $orimessage; ?>",{maxWidth: 400, maxHeight: 300});});
<div class="stbody" id="stbody<?php echo $msg_id;?>">
<div class="stimg">
<img src="<?php echo $face;?>" class='big_face'/>
<div class="sttext">
<a class="stdelete" href="#" id="<?php echo $msg_id;?>" title="Delete update">X</a>
<b><?php echo $username;?></b> <?php echo $message;?>
<div class="sttime"><?php time_stamp($time);?> | <a href='#' class='commentopen' id='<?php echo $msg_id;?>' title='Comment'>Comment </a></div>
<div id="stexpandbox">
<div id="stexpand<?php echo $msg_id;?>"></div>
<div class="commentcontainer" id="commentload<?php echo $msg_id;?>">
<?php include('load_comments.php') ?>
<div class="commentupdate" style='display:none' id='commentbox<?php echo $msg_id;?>'>
<div class="stcommentimg">
<img src="<?php echo $face;?>" class='small_face'/>
<div class="stcommenttext" >
<form method="post" action="">
<textarea name="comment" class="comment" maxlength="200" id="ctextarea<?php echo $msg_id;?>"></textarea>
<br />
<input type="submit" value=" Comment " id="<?php echo $msg_id;?>" class="comment_button"/>
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