PHP Webservices SOAP, struttura file wsdl

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3 Set 2007
stò affrontando per la prima volta i web services SOAP in PHP, stò cercando di capire le basi e la struttura del file ".wsdl", ho trovato cosi tanti esempi e testi che non so a quale affidarmi, per ogni esempio la struttura cambia, i tag cambiano, insomma è tutto diverso...

Vi chiedo una mano per scegliere una guida dove imparare correttamente come realizzare un web services in PHP e SOAP, escludendo "nusoap e soap rest".

Se ci sono più modi di procedere vorrei imparare quello migliore a livello di sicurezza.

Grazie molte.
Seguo.. è un argomento che mi interessa molto e su cui ho più volte perso la testa cercando di capirci qualcosa..

Saluti G.G.
Cosa c'è di sbagliato in questo wsdl ?? Funziona ma non credo assolutamente che sia scritto come si deve.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>



        <xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="" targetNamespace="Library">
            <xsd:complexType name="my_value">
                    <xsd:element name="my_var" type="xsd:string"></xsd:element>

    <wsdl:message name="MyFunctionRequest">
        <wsdl:part name="_request_" type="xsd:book"></wsdl:part>
    <wsdl:message name="MyFunctionResponse">
        <wsdl:part name="_response_" type="tns:string"></wsdl:part>

    <wsdl:portType name="Library">
        <wsdl:operation name="MyFunction_1">
            <wsdl:input message="tns:MyFunctionRequest"/>
            <wsdl:output message="tns:MyFunctionResponse"/>
        <wsdl:operation name="MyFunction_2">
            <wsdl:input message="tns:MyFunctionRequest"/>
            <wsdl:output message="tns:MyFunctionResponse"/>

    <wsdl:binding name="Library" type="tns:Library">
        <soap:binding style="rpc" transport=""/>
        <wsdl:operation name="MyFunction_1">
            <soap:operation soapAction=""/>
                <soap:body use="literal" namespace="Library"/>
                <soap:body use="literal" namespace="Library"/>
        <wsdl:operation name="MyFunction_2">
            <soap:operation soapAction=""/>
                <soap:body use="literal" namespace="Library"/>
                <soap:body use="literal" namespace="Library"/>

    <wsdl:service name="Library">
        <wsdl:port binding="tns:Library" name="BookLibrary">
            <soap:address location=""/>


Questo è il server:

ini_set('soap.wsdl_cache_enabled', 0);

class MyClass
    public function MyFunction_1($my_value_1)
        return $my_value_1;
    public function MyFunction_2($my_value_2)
        return $my_value_2;

$Service = new MyClass();

$server = new SoapServer("ws.wsdl");

Questo è il client:

ini_set('soap.wsdl_cache_enabled', 0);
ini_set('soap.wsdl_cache_ttl', 0);

$wsdl = '';

$options = array(

$objClient = new SoapClient($wsdl, $options);

        $resp1 = $objClient->MyFunction_1("Ciao ");
        $resp2 = $objClient->MyFunction_2(" sono Mario");
        echo $resp1.$resp2;
catch(SoapFault $ex)
    echo var_dump($ex);
<? xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"?>

<Wsdl: definitions
    name = "Library"
    xmlns: xsd = ""
    targetNamespace = "Library"
    xmlns: soap = ""
    xmlns: tns = "Library"
    xmlns: wsdl = "">

    <Xsd: documentation> </ xsd: documentation>

    <Wsdl: types>
        <xsd: schema xmlns: xsd = "" targetNamespace = "Library">
            <xsd: complexType name = "my_value">
                <Xsd: sequence>
                    <xsd: element name = "my_var" type = "xsd: string"> </ xsd: element>
                </ Xsd: sequence>
            </ Xsd: complexType>
        </ Xsd: schema>
    </ Wsdl: types>

    <wsdl: message name = "MyFunctionRequest">
        <wsdl: part name = "_ request_" type = "xsd: book"> </ wsdl: part>
    </ Wsdl: message>
    <wsdl: message name = "MyFunctionResponse">
        <wsdl: part name = "_ response_" type = "tns: string"> </ wsdl: part>
    </ Wsdl: message>

    <wsdl: portType name = "Library">
        <wsdl: operation name = "MyFunction_1">
            <wsdl: input message = "tns: MyFunctionRequest" />
            <wsdl: output message = "tns: MyFunctionResponse" />
        </ Wsdl: operation>
        <wsdl: operation name = "MyFunction_2">
            <wsdl: input message = "tns: MyFunctionRequest" />
            <wsdl: output message = "tns: MyFunctionResponse" />
        </ Wsdl: operation>
    </ Wsdl: portType>

    <wsdl: binding name = "Library" type = "tns: Library">
        <soap: binding style = "rpc" transport = "" />
        <wsdl: operation name = "MyFunction_1">
            <soap: operation soapAction = "" />
            <Wsdl: input>
                <soap: body use = "literal" namespace = "Library" />
            </ Wsdl: input>
            <Wsdl: output>
                <soap: body use = "literal" namespace = "Library" />
            </ Wsdl: output>
        </ Wsdl: operation>
        <wsdl: operation name = "MyFunction_2">
            <soap: operation soapAction = "" />
            <Wsdl: input>
                <soap: body use = "literal" namespace = "Library" />
            </ Wsdl: input>
            <Wsdl: output>
                <soap: body use = "literal" namespace = "Library" />
            </ Wsdl: output>
        </ Wsdl: operation>
    </ Wsdl: binding>

    <wsdl: service name = "Library">
        <wsdl: port binding = "tns: Library" name = "BookLibrary">
            <soap: address location = "" />
        </ Wsdl: port>
    </ Wsdl: service>

</ Wsdl: definitions>
[/ Code]

This is the server:

ini_set ('soap.wsdl_cache_enabled', 0);

class MyClass
    public function MyFunction_1 ($ my_value_1)
        return $ my_value_1;
    public function MyFunction_2 ($ my_value_2)
        return $ my_value_2;

$ Service = new MyClass ();

$ server = new SoapServer ("ws.wsdl");
$ Server-> setObject ($ service);
$ Server-> handle ();
[/ Code]

This is the client:

ini_set ('soap.wsdl_cache_enabled', 0);
ini_set ('soap.wsdl_cache_ttl', 0);

$ wsdl = '';

$ options = array (
                'Uri' => '',
                'Style' => SOAP_RPC,
                'Use' => SOAP_ENCODED,
                'Soap_version' => SOAP_1_1,
                'Cache_wsdl' => WSDL_CACHE_NONE,
                'Connection_timeout' => 15,
                'Trace' => true,
                'Encoding' => 'UTF-8',
                'Exceptions' => true,

$ objClient = new SoapClient ($ wsdl, $ options);

    if (isset ($ objClient))
        $ resp1 = $ objClient-> MyFunction_1 ("Hello");
        $ resp2 = $ objClient-> MyFunction_2 ("sono Mario");
        echo $ resp1. $ resp2;
catch (SoapFault $ ex)
    echo var_dump ($ ex);
[/ Code] [/ QUOTE]
 Read this comment This is very useful, I also have a suggestion for those people who want to face the problem or do not be able to do this. simply take a help of to solve the problem properly. If anyone faces any problem related to Dell they can also help.
Ultima modifica:
le basi e la struttura del file ".wsdl"
Potresti iniziare con WSDL: scopriamo cos'è il Web Services Description Language uno degli articoli che trovi su

Trovi anche: SOAP: cos'è e come funziona

Buona lettura :)

C'è anche per Android: Far dialogare la nostra app con un web service tramite WSDL e SOAP

e -> Inviare dei dati nel formato JSON ad un web-service remoto
Ultima modifica:

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