estrazione dati per login


Utente Attivo
19 Set 2013
come da titolo dovrei utilizzare gli stessi dati di login del sito per una chat.
le tabelle sono due in una sono contenuti i dati id user e pass ed e questa jcre_users mentre in un altra ci sono le altre informazioni come sesso età ecc ed e questa jcre_k2_users.

Questo e il login della chat:

$answer = AutoLogin();
header('Content-type: text/xml');
echo $answer;

function AutoLogin()
	global $users;

	# NOTE: you can`t use $_SESSION here,
	# because requests are sent by FMS and not by browser on user's side.
    $uid = GetParam('uid');
    if (!$uid)
       return "<invalidParams/>";
	// replace with your custom logic

	$num = count($users);
	$user = null;

	for($i = 0; $i < $num; $i++)
		$u = $users[$i];
		if(md5($u['id'].$u['userName'].$u['password']) == $uid)
			$user = $u;

	if($user) return ParseUserData($user);
	else return '<login result="FAIL" error="error_authentication_failed"/>';

Questo e il file lib


define('MALE', 0);
define('FEMALE', 1);

define('ROOT', '');

// Pre-created user accounts


$users = array(
	array('id' => 'admin',
		'userName' => 'admin',
		'password' => 'test',
		'gender' => MALE,
		'location' => 'London, UK',
		'age' => 35,
		'details' => 'Hello, I am Admin'),
	array('id' => '1',
		'userName' => 'David',
		'password' => 'test',
		'gender' => MALE,
		'location' => 'London, UK',
		'age' => 22,
		'details' => 'Hello, I am David'),
	array('id' => '2',
		'userName' => 'Amanda',
		'password' => 'test',
		'gender' => FEMALE,
		'location' => 'Los Angeles, California',
		'age' => 19,
		'details' => 'Hello, I am Amanda'),
	array('id' => '3',
		'userName' => 'Steven',
		'password' => 'test',
		'gender' => MALE,
		'location' => 'Sun Valley, Nevada',
		'age' => 31,
		'details' => 'Hello, I am Steven'),
	array('id' => '4',
		'userName' => 'Helen',
		'password' => 'test',
		'gender' => FEMALE,
		'location' => 'New York, US',
		'age' => 25,
		'details' => 'Hello, I am Helen'),
	array('id' => '5',
		'userName' => 'mod',
		'password' => 'mod',
		'gender' => FEMALE,
		'location' => 'London, UK',
		'age' => 30,
		'details' => 'Hello, I am Moderator'),

function ParseUserData($user, $getProfile = false)
	global $users;

	$res = "<login result=\"OK\">";
	$res .= '<userData>'.GetUser($user).'</userData>';
	/*$res .= '<friends>';
	for($i = 1; $i < 40; $i++)
		$u = $users[4];
		$u['id'] = $i;
		$res .= '<friend>'.GetUser($u).'</friend>';
	$res .= '</friends>';
	$res .= '<blocks>';
	for($i = 0; $i < 40; $i++)
		$u = $users[4];
		$u['id'] = $i;
		$res .= '<block>'.GetUser($u).'</block>';
	$res .= '</blocks>';*/
    if (!$getProfile)
	$res .= '<friends>'
    .'<friend id = "'.$users[2]['id'].'" name = "'.$users[2]['userName'].'" thumbnail = "'.ROOT.'photos/'.$users[2]['id'].'_small.png'.'"/>'
    .'<friend id = "'.$users[3]['id'].'" name = "'.$users[3]['userName'].'" thumbnail = "'.ROOT.'photos/'.$users[3]['id'].'_small.png'.'"/>'
    $res .= '<blocks>'
    .'<block id = "'.$users[4]['id'].'" name = "'.$users[4]['userName'].'" thumbnail = "'.ROOT.'photos/'.$users[4]['id'].'_small.png'.'"/>'
    $res .= '<additionalData>'.GetAdditionalData($user).'</additionalData>';
	$res .= "</login>";

	return $res;

function GetUser($user)
	if(!isset($user['photo'])) $user['photo'] = ROOT.'photos/'.$user['id'].'_big.png';
	if(!isset($user['thumbnail']) ) $user['thumbnail'] = ROOT.'photos/'.$user['id'].'_small.png';
	if(!isset($user['level']) ) $user['level'] = 'regular';

	if($user['id'] == '3')
		$user['photo'] = '';
		$user['thumbnail'] = '';

	return <<<USER_DATA

function GetAdditionalData($user)
	$res = '';
	if($user['id'] == '1')
		$res.= "<imgateway>";
		$res.= "<icq login='634427950' password='111111'/>";
		$res.= "<yahoo login='moshagosha' password='111111'/>";
		$res.= "<msn login='[email protected]' password='111111'/>";
		$res.= "</imgateway>";
	return $res;

function GetParam($name, $default = '')
	if(isset($_POST[$name])) return $_POST[$name];
	if(isset($_GET[$name])) return $_GET[$name];
	return $default;

function trace($message, $isWriteLog = true)
    $content = print_r($message, true);
        $handle = @fopen('./log.txt', 'a');
        @fwrite($handle, date('Y-m-d H:i:s')."\r\n".$content."\r\n\r\n");
    else echo '<pre>'.$content.'</pre><br>';

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