Salve, mi è capitato questo errore:
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected $end in /web/htdocs/MIOSITO/home/wp-content/themes/blogolife/functions.php on line 45
come risolverlo??
il file è:
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected $end in /web/htdocs/MIOSITO/home/wp-content/themes/blogolife/functions.php on line 45
come risolverlo??
il file è:
* WPLOOK functions and definitions
* @package wplook
* @subpackage BlogoLife
* @since BlogoLife 1.0
//error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE);
$themename = "BlogoLife"; //Theme Name
$themever = "2.0.1"; //Theme version
$fwver = "1.1"; //Framework version
$shortname = "wpl"; //Shortname
// Set path to WPLOOK Framework and theme specific functions
$be_path = get_template_directory() . '/functions/be/'; //BackEnd Path
$fe_path = get_template_directory() . '/functions/fe/'; //FrontEnd Path
$be_pathimages = get_template_directory_uri() . '/functions/be/images'; //BackEnd Path
$fe_pathimages = get_template_directory_uri() . ''; //FrontEnd Path
//Include Framework [BE]
require_once ($be_path . 'fw-setup.php'); // Init
require_once ($be_path . 'fw-options.php'); // Framework Init
// Include Theme specific functionality [FE]
require_once ($fe_path . 'setup.php'); // Base Init
require_once ($fe_path . 'widgets-init.php'); // Init widget FE
require_once ($fe_path . 'headerdata.php'); // Include css and js
require_once ($fe_path . 'comment.php'); // Comments
// translation-ready
load_theme_textdomain( 'wplook', get_template_directory() . '/languages' );
$locale = get_locale();
$locale_file = get_template_directory() . "/languages/$locale.php";
if ( is_readable( $locale_file ) )
require_once( $locale_file );