Salve a tutti, sono nuovo e sono approdato qui, ovviamente, perché necessito di aiuto per "chiudere" un sito web responsive per la mia attività.
Sono un amatore, non vendo i miei siti e li realizzo solo per divertimento. In questo caso sto facendo un sito responsive per la mia attività partendo da un layout gratis creato da
Questo è il layout che sto elaborando LUXURY. Qui c'è il codice originale direttamente dal sito w3layouts Luxury.
Iniziamo con i problermi che spero possiate aiutarmi a "correggere".
spero sappiate darmi una mano. magari per voi sono cose ridicole! saluti
Sono un amatore, non vendo i miei siti e li realizzo solo per divertimento. In questo caso sto facendo un sito responsive per la mia attività partendo da un layout gratis creato da
Questo è il layout che sto elaborando LUXURY. Qui c'è il codice originale direttamente dal sito w3layouts Luxury.
Iniziamo con i problermi che spero possiate aiutarmi a "correggere".
- TASTO READ MORE: praticamente se controllo il sito su di un pc con monitor normale leggo tutte le scritte sotto a "ristorante" "le camere" etc etc , menter se mi sposto su cellulare (o ridimensiono la finestra del browser rendendola fina e lunga( leggo solamente una piccola parte del testa, la restante parte viene nascosta. Ho pensato che cliccando su "read more" si sarebbe "estesa" la tabella e di conseguenza aavrei potuto leggere per intero quanto rispotato nelle descrizioni sotto a ciascun titolo. invece no. come posso fare? questa la porzione di codice inerente quella sezione:
[FONT=Arial][SIZE=2]<div class="content"> <div class="about-section" id="aboutus"> <div class="container"> <h3>about <span>us</span></h3> <div class="about-grids"> <div class="col-md-3 about-grid"><img src="" /> <h4>Il <span>Ristorante</span></h4> <p>wonderful it is that nobody need wait a singlemoment before starting to improve the wonderful it is that nobody need wait a singlemoment before starting to improve the wonderful it is that nobody need wait a singlemoment before starting to improve the wonderful it is that nobody need wait a singlemoment before starting to improve the wonderful it is that nobody need wait a singlemoment before starting to improve the wonderful it is that nobody need wait a singlemoment before starting to improve the wonderful it is that nobody need wait a singlemoment before starting to improve the wonderful it is that nobody need wait a singlemoment before starting to improve the wonderful it is that nobody need wait a singlemoment before starting to improve the wonderful it is that nobody need wait a singlemoment before starting to improve the wonderful it is that nobody need wait a singlemoment before starting to improve the wonderful it is that nobody need wait a singlemoment before starting to improve the wonderful it is that nobody need wait a singlemoment before starting to improve the wonderful it is that nobody need wait a singlemoment before starting to improve the wonderful it is that nobody need wait a singlemoment before starting to improve the wonderful it is that nobody need wait a singlemoment before starting to improve the wonderful it is that nobody need wait a singlemoment before starting to improve the wonderful it is that nobody need wait a singlemoment before starting to improve the wonderful it is that nobody need wait a singlemoment before starting to improve the wonderful it is that nobody need wait a singlemoment before starting to improve the</p> </div> <div class="col-md-3 about-grid"><img src="" /> <h4>Camere e <span>Bagni</span></h4> <p>wonderful it is that nobody need wait a singlemoment before starting to improve the wonderful it is that nobody need wait a singlemoment before starting to improve the wonderful it is that nobody need wait a singlemoment before starting to improve the wonderful it is that nobody need wait a singlemoment before starting to improve the wonderful it is that nobody need wait a singlemoment before starting to improve the wonderful it is that nobody need wait a singlemoment before starting to improve the wonderful it is that nobody need wait a singlemoment before starting to improve the wonderful it is that nobody need wait a singlemoment before starting to improve the wonderful it is that nobody need wait a singlemoment before starting to improve the wonderful it is that nobody need wait a singlemoment before starting to improve the wonderful it is that nobody need wait a singlemoment before starting to improve the wonderful it is that nobody need wait a singlemoment before starting to improve the wonderful it is that nobody need wait a singlemoment before starting to improve the wonderful it is that nobody need wait a singlemoment before starting to improve the wonderful it is that nobody need wait a singlemoment before starting to improve the wonderful it is that nobody need wait a singlemoment before starting to improve the wonderful it is that nobody need wait a singlemoment before starting to improve the wonderful it is that nobody need wait a singlemoment before starting to improve the wonderful it is that nobody need wait a singlemoment before starting to improve the wonderful it is that nobody need wait a singlemoment before starting to improve the</p> </div> <div class="col-md-3 about-grid"><img src="" /> <h4>La <span>Colazione</span></h4> <p>wonderful it is that nobody need wait a singlemoment before starting to improve the wonderful it is that nobody need wait a singlemoment before starting to improve the wonderful it is that nobody need wait a singlemoment before starting to improve the wonderful it is that nobody need wait a singlemoment before starting to improve the wonderful it is that nobody need wait a singlemoment before starting to improve the wonderful it is that nobody need wait a singlemoment before starting to improve the wonderful it is that nobody need wait a singlemoment before starting to improve the wonderful it is that nobody need wait a singlemoment before starting to improve the wonderful it is that nobody need wait a singlemoment before starting to improve the wonderful it is that nobody need wait a singlemoment before starting to improve the wonderful it is that nobody need wait a singlemoment before starting to improve the wonderful it is that nobody need wait a singlemoment before starting to improve the wonderful it is that nobody need wait a singlemoment before starting to improve the wonderful it is that nobody need wait a singlemoment before starting to improve the wonderful it is that nobody need wait a singlemoment before starting to improve the wonderful it is that nobody need wait a singlemoment before starting to improve the wonderful it is that nobody need wait a singlemoment before starting to improve the wonderful it is that nobody need wait a singlemoment before starting to improve the wonderful it is that nobody need wait a singlemoment before starting to improve the wonderful it is that nobody need wait a singlemoment before starting to improve the</p> </div> <div class="col-md-3 about-grid"><img src="" /> <h4>Chianciano e <span>le Terme</span></h4> <p>wonderful it is that nobody need wait a singlemoment before starting to improve the wonderful it is that nobody need wait a singlemoment before starting to improve the wonderful it is that nobody need wait a singlemoment before starting to improve the wonderful it is that nobody need wait a singlemoment before starting to improve the wonderful it is that nobody need wait a singlemoment before starting to improve the wonderful it is that nobody need wait a singlemoment before starting to improve the wonderful it is that nobody need wait a singlemoment before starting to improve the wonderful it is that nobody need wait a singlemoment before starting to improve the wonderful it is that nobody need wait a singlemoment before starting to improve the wonderful it is that nobody need wait a singlemoment before starting to improve the wonderful it is that nobody need wait a singlemoment before starting to improve the wonderful it is that nobody need wait a singlemoment before starting to improve the wonderful it is that nobody need wait a singlemoment before starting to improve the wonderful it is that nobody need wait a singlemoment before starting to improve the wonderful it is that nobody need wait a singlemoment before starting to improve the wonderful it is that nobody need wait a singlemoment before starting to improve the wonderful it is that nobody need wait a singlemoment before starting to improve the wonderful it is that nobody need wait a singlemoment before starting to improve the wonderful it is that nobody need wait a singlemoment before starting to improve the wonderful it is that nobody need wait a singlemoment before starting to improve the</p> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> <a class="button hvr-shutter-in-vertical" href="#">read more</a></div> </div> [/SIZE][/FONT]
- FORM CONTATTI: in qusta sezione non ho idea dio come far spedire il messaggio alla mia mail. nel mio vecchio sito avevop risolto con uno script php ma qui non so come inserirlo. avete idee? questo il codice della sezione contact form:
PHP:<div class="contact-section" id="contact"> <div class="container"> <h3>contact <span>us</span></h3> <div class="contact-grid"> <div class="col-md-6 contactdetails-grid"> <h4>contact form</h4> <h5>name <span>*</span></h5> <input type="text" /> <h5>email address <span>*</span></h5> <input type="text" /> <h5>subject <span>*</span></h5> <input type="text" /> <h5>message <span>*</span></h5> <textarea> </textarea> <input type="button" value="send" /></div> [*]
spero sappiate darmi una mano. magari per voi sono cose ridicole! saluti
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