Salve, sono nuovo ma visto come avete aiutate un altro utente che aveva il mio stesso problema, spero riusciate a risolvere anche il mio.
Sto sviluppando una form mail, ma non riesco a farla funzionare.
Il contact form in questione è il seguente:
Il codice ho lasciato quello scaricato dal sito:
############################ Contact Form ###########################
### |-----------------------------------------------------------| ###
### | WRITTEN 2005 by c/o Lukas Stalder | ###
### |-----------------------------------------------------------| ###
// ################ INSTALLATION #################
1. open the .php file where you want to have the contact form in.
2. paste this whole code in there
3. adapt values in the config section below to your needs.
4. upload the file - that's it!
// ############## END INSTALLATION ###############
// ################### CONFIG ###################
// CSS classes & styles
$class_txt = "text";
$class_inputbutton = "inputButton";
$class_inputline = "inputLine";
$class_inputfield = "inputField";
$style_inputline = "width:355px;";
$style_inputfield = "width:355px;";
// email
$target_address = "[email protected]";
$email_subject = "Richiesta Informazioni";
// error messages
$err_name = "Please enter a namen.";
$err_phone = "Please enter a phone number.";
$err_msg = "Please fill out the 'request' field.";
$err_email = "Please enter a valid email address.";
// misc text
$msg_date = "Date";
$msg_company = "Company";
$msg_name = "Name";
$msg_address = "Address";
$msg_city = "Zip/City";
$msg_phone = "Phone";
$msg_email = "Email";
$msg_answerby = "Reply by";
$txt_email = "Email";
$txt_phone = "Phone";
$txt_post = "Post";
$txt_send = "Send";
$txt_mandatory = "mandatory";
$msg_request = "Request";
$msg_indent = 11;
// messages
$txt_thankyou = "<div class='$class_txt'><h2>Thank you for getting in contact with us!</h2>Your request has been sent and you'll be contacted as soon as possible.</div>";
$txt_error = "<div style='color: #cc3300' class='$class_txt'><h2>Following errors occurred:</h2>{errors}</div>"; // {errors} is replaced by the errors that occurred
$email_subject = "Anfrage an";
// error messages
$err_name = "Bitte Namen angeben.";
$err_phone = "Bitte Telefon angeben.";
$err_msg = "Formulieren Sie bitte Ihr Anliegen.";
$err_email = "Geben Sie bitte eine gültige Email Adresse an.";
// misc text
$msg_date = "Datum";
$msg_company = "Firma";
$msg_name = "Name";
$msg_address = "Adresse";
$msg_city = "PLZ/Ort";
$msg_phone = "Fon";
$msg_email = "Email";
$msg_answerby = "Antwort per";
$txt_email = "Email";
$txt_phone = "Telefon";
$txt_post = "Post";
$txt_send = "Abschicken";
$txt_mandatory = "Pflichtfeld";
$msg_request = "Anfrage";
// messages
$txt_thankyou = "<div class='$class_txt'><h2>Danke für Ihr Interesse!</h2>Ihre Anfrage wurde verschickt und Sie werden baldmöglichst kontaktiert werden.</div>";
$txt_error = "<div style='color: #cc3300' class='$class_txt'><h2>Bitte beachten Sie folgendes:</h2>{errors}</div>"; // {errors} is replaced by the errors that occurred
// ################ END CONFIG #################
function spaces($num, $fill=" "){
for ($i=0; $i<$num; $i++) $foo.=$fill;
return $foo;
function isValidEmail($addr){
if(eregi("^[a-z0-9]+([_.-][a-z0-9]+)*@([a-z0-9]+([.-][a-z0-9]+)*)+\\.[a-z]{2,4}$", $addr))
return true;
return false;
// start form evaluation
if ($_REQUEST['do']=="send"){
if ($_REQUEST['name']=="") $error.="» $err_name<br>";
if ($_REQUEST['fon']=="") $error.="» $err_phone<br>";
if ($_REQUEST['message']=="") $error.="» $err_msg<br>";
if (!isValidEmail($_REQUEST['email'])) $error.="» $err_email<br>";
if ($error===false){
$message="$msg_date:".spaces($msg_indent-strlen($msg_date)).date("d M Y, H:i", time());
if ($_REQUEST['firma']) $message.="\n$msg_company:".spaces($msg_indent-strlen($msg_company)).$_REQUEST['firma'];
if ($_REQUEST['name']) $message.="\n$msg_name:".spaces($msg_indent-strlen($msg_name)).$_REQUEST['name'];
if ($_REQUEST['adresse']) $message.="\n$msg_address:".spaces($msg_indent-strlen($msg_address)).$_REQUEST['adresse'];
if ($_REQUEST['ort']) $message.="\n$msg_city:".spaces($msg_indent-strlen($msg_city)).$_REQUEST['ort'];
if ($_REQUEST['fon']) $message.="\n$msg_phone:".spaces($msg_indent-strlen($msg_phone)).$_REQUEST['fon'];
$message.="\n\n".spaces(strlen("$msg_answerby ".$_REQUEST['kontakt'])+1, "=");
$message.="\n$msg_answerby ".$_REQUEST['kontakt']."!\n";
$message.=spaces(strlen("$msg_answerby ".$_REQUEST['kontakt'])+1, "=");
mail($target_address, $email_subject, $message, "From: ".$_REQUEST['email']);
echo $txt_thankyou;
}else if ($error!==false) $error=str_replace("{errors}", $error, $txt_error);
if ($error!==false){
if($error!="foo") echo $error;
// form
echo "<script language='JavaScript' type='text/JavaScript'>\n";
echo "window.onload = function(){ document.form1.firma.focus(); }\n";
echo "</script>\n";
echo "<form name='form1' method='post' action=''>\n";
echo "<table border='0' cellpadding='1' cellspacing='0' class='txt'>\n";
echo "<tr><td> </td>\n";
echo "<td height='19'> </td></tr>\n";
echo "<tr><td width='75' class='$class_txt'>$msg_company</td>\n";
echo "<td height='19'><input name='firma' id='firma' type='text' class='$class_inputline' style='$style_inputline' value='".$_REQUEST['firma']."'>\n";
echo "</td></tr>\n";
echo "<tr><td width='75' class='$class_txt'>$msg_name*</td>\n";
echo "<td height='19'><input name='name' type='text' class='$class_inputline' style='$style_inputline' value='".$_REQUEST['name']."'>\n";
echo "</td></tr>\n";
echo "<tr><td width='75' class='$class_txt'>$msg_address</td>\n";
echo "<td height='19'><input name='adresse' type='text' class='$class_inputline' style='$style_inputline' value='".$_REQUEST['adresse']."'>\n";
echo "</td></tr>\n";
echo "<tr><td width='75' class='$class_txt'>$msg_city</td>\n";
echo "<td height='19'><input name='ort' type='text' class='$class_inputline' style='$style_inputline' value='".$_REQUEST['ort']."'>\n";
echo "</td></tr>\n";
echo "<tr><td width='75' class='$class_txt'>$msg_phone*</td>\n";
echo "<td height='19'><input name='fon' type='text' class='$class_inputline' style='$style_inputline' value='".$_REQUEST['fon']."'>\n";
echo "</td></tr>\n";
echo "<tr><td width='75' class='$class_txt'>$msg_email*</td>\n";
echo "<td height='19'><input name='email' type='text' class='$class_inputline' style='$style_inputline' value='".$_REQUEST['email']."'>\n";
echo "</td></tr>\n";
echo "<tr><td width='75' class='$class_txt'>$msg_answerby*</td>\n";
echo "<td height='19' class='$class_txt'><input name='kontakt' type='radio' value='$txt_email' checked> $txt_email \n";
echo "<input name='kontakt' type='radio' value='$txt_phone'> $txt_phone \n";
echo "<input name='kontakt' type='radio' value='$txt_post'> $txt_post\n";
echo "</td></tr>\n";
echo "<tr><td width='75' class='$class_txt'>$msg_request*</td>\n";
echo "<td height='19'><textarea name='message' cols='45'style='$style_inputfield' rows='10' class='$class_inputfield'>".$_REQUEST['message']."</textarea></td></tr>\n";
echo "<tr><td width='75' > </td>\n";
echo "<td height='19' align='right'>* $txt_mandatory</td></tr>\n";
echo "<tr><td width='75'> </td>\n";
echo "<td height='19'><input name='Submit' type='Submit' class='$class_inputbutton' value='$txt_send'>\n";
echo "<input name='do' type='hidden' id='do' value='send'></td>\n";
echo "</tr></table>\n";
echo "</form>\n";
######################### END Contact Form ##########################
spero qualcuno mi possa aiutare, grazie per la disponibilità e complimenti per il forum.
Sto sviluppando una form mail, ma non riesco a farla funzionare.
Il contact form in questione è il seguente:
Il codice ho lasciato quello scaricato dal sito:
############################ Contact Form ###########################
### |-----------------------------------------------------------| ###
### | WRITTEN 2005 by c/o Lukas Stalder | ###
### |-----------------------------------------------------------| ###
// ################ INSTALLATION #################
1. open the .php file where you want to have the contact form in.
2. paste this whole code in there
3. adapt values in the config section below to your needs.
4. upload the file - that's it!
// ############## END INSTALLATION ###############
// ################### CONFIG ###################
// CSS classes & styles
$class_txt = "text";
$class_inputbutton = "inputButton";
$class_inputline = "inputLine";
$class_inputfield = "inputField";
$style_inputline = "width:355px;";
$style_inputfield = "width:355px;";
$target_address = "[email protected]";
$email_subject = "Richiesta Informazioni";
// error messages
$err_name = "Please enter a namen.";
$err_phone = "Please enter a phone number.";
$err_msg = "Please fill out the 'request' field.";
$err_email = "Please enter a valid email address.";
// misc text
$msg_date = "Date";
$msg_company = "Company";
$msg_name = "Name";
$msg_address = "Address";
$msg_city = "Zip/City";
$msg_phone = "Phone";
$msg_email = "Email";
$msg_answerby = "Reply by";
$txt_email = "Email";
$txt_phone = "Phone";
$txt_post = "Post";
$txt_send = "Send";
$txt_mandatory = "mandatory";
$msg_request = "Request";
$msg_indent = 11;
// messages
$txt_thankyou = "<div class='$class_txt'><h2>Thank you for getting in contact with us!</h2>Your request has been sent and you'll be contacted as soon as possible.</div>";
$txt_error = "<div style='color: #cc3300' class='$class_txt'><h2>Following errors occurred:</h2>{errors}</div>"; // {errors} is replaced by the errors that occurred
$email_subject = "Anfrage an";
// error messages
$err_name = "Bitte Namen angeben.";
$err_phone = "Bitte Telefon angeben.";
$err_msg = "Formulieren Sie bitte Ihr Anliegen.";
$err_email = "Geben Sie bitte eine gültige Email Adresse an.";
// misc text
$msg_date = "Datum";
$msg_company = "Firma";
$msg_name = "Name";
$msg_address = "Adresse";
$msg_city = "PLZ/Ort";
$msg_phone = "Fon";
$msg_email = "Email";
$msg_answerby = "Antwort per";
$txt_email = "Email";
$txt_phone = "Telefon";
$txt_post = "Post";
$txt_send = "Abschicken";
$txt_mandatory = "Pflichtfeld";
$msg_request = "Anfrage";
// messages
$txt_thankyou = "<div class='$class_txt'><h2>Danke für Ihr Interesse!</h2>Ihre Anfrage wurde verschickt und Sie werden baldmöglichst kontaktiert werden.</div>";
$txt_error = "<div style='color: #cc3300' class='$class_txt'><h2>Bitte beachten Sie folgendes:</h2>{errors}</div>"; // {errors} is replaced by the errors that occurred
// ################ END CONFIG #################
function spaces($num, $fill=" "){
for ($i=0; $i<$num; $i++) $foo.=$fill;
return $foo;
function isValidEmail($addr){
if(eregi("^[a-z0-9]+([_.-][a-z0-9]+)*@([a-z0-9]+([.-][a-z0-9]+)*)+\\.[a-z]{2,4}$", $addr))
return true;
return false;
// start form evaluation
if ($_REQUEST['do']=="send"){
if ($_REQUEST['name']=="") $error.="» $err_name<br>";
if ($_REQUEST['fon']=="") $error.="» $err_phone<br>";
if ($_REQUEST['message']=="") $error.="» $err_msg<br>";
if (!isValidEmail($_REQUEST['email'])) $error.="» $err_email<br>";
if ($error===false){
$message="$msg_date:".spaces($msg_indent-strlen($msg_date)).date("d M Y, H:i", time());
if ($_REQUEST['firma']) $message.="\n$msg_company:".spaces($msg_indent-strlen($msg_company)).$_REQUEST['firma'];
if ($_REQUEST['name']) $message.="\n$msg_name:".spaces($msg_indent-strlen($msg_name)).$_REQUEST['name'];
if ($_REQUEST['adresse']) $message.="\n$msg_address:".spaces($msg_indent-strlen($msg_address)).$_REQUEST['adresse'];
if ($_REQUEST['ort']) $message.="\n$msg_city:".spaces($msg_indent-strlen($msg_city)).$_REQUEST['ort'];
if ($_REQUEST['fon']) $message.="\n$msg_phone:".spaces($msg_indent-strlen($msg_phone)).$_REQUEST['fon'];
$message.="\n\n".spaces(strlen("$msg_answerby ".$_REQUEST['kontakt'])+1, "=");
$message.="\n$msg_answerby ".$_REQUEST['kontakt']."!\n";
$message.=spaces(strlen("$msg_answerby ".$_REQUEST['kontakt'])+1, "=");
mail($target_address, $email_subject, $message, "From: ".$_REQUEST['email']);
echo $txt_thankyou;
}else if ($error!==false) $error=str_replace("{errors}", $error, $txt_error);
if ($error!==false){
if($error!="foo") echo $error;
// form
echo "<script language='JavaScript' type='text/JavaScript'>\n";
echo "window.onload = function(){ document.form1.firma.focus(); }\n";
echo "</script>\n";
echo "<form name='form1' method='post' action=''>\n";
echo "<table border='0' cellpadding='1' cellspacing='0' class='txt'>\n";
echo "<tr><td> </td>\n";
echo "<td height='19'> </td></tr>\n";
echo "<tr><td width='75' class='$class_txt'>$msg_company</td>\n";
echo "<td height='19'><input name='firma' id='firma' type='text' class='$class_inputline' style='$style_inputline' value='".$_REQUEST['firma']."'>\n";
echo "</td></tr>\n";
echo "<tr><td width='75' class='$class_txt'>$msg_name*</td>\n";
echo "<td height='19'><input name='name' type='text' class='$class_inputline' style='$style_inputline' value='".$_REQUEST['name']."'>\n";
echo "</td></tr>\n";
echo "<tr><td width='75' class='$class_txt'>$msg_address</td>\n";
echo "<td height='19'><input name='adresse' type='text' class='$class_inputline' style='$style_inputline' value='".$_REQUEST['adresse']."'>\n";
echo "</td></tr>\n";
echo "<tr><td width='75' class='$class_txt'>$msg_city</td>\n";
echo "<td height='19'><input name='ort' type='text' class='$class_inputline' style='$style_inputline' value='".$_REQUEST['ort']."'>\n";
echo "</td></tr>\n";
echo "<tr><td width='75' class='$class_txt'>$msg_phone*</td>\n";
echo "<td height='19'><input name='fon' type='text' class='$class_inputline' style='$style_inputline' value='".$_REQUEST['fon']."'>\n";
echo "</td></tr>\n";
echo "<tr><td width='75' class='$class_txt'>$msg_email*</td>\n";
echo "<td height='19'><input name='email' type='text' class='$class_inputline' style='$style_inputline' value='".$_REQUEST['email']."'>\n";
echo "</td></tr>\n";
echo "<tr><td width='75' class='$class_txt'>$msg_answerby*</td>\n";
echo "<td height='19' class='$class_txt'><input name='kontakt' type='radio' value='$txt_email' checked> $txt_email \n";
echo "<input name='kontakt' type='radio' value='$txt_phone'> $txt_phone \n";
echo "<input name='kontakt' type='radio' value='$txt_post'> $txt_post\n";
echo "</td></tr>\n";
echo "<tr><td width='75' class='$class_txt'>$msg_request*</td>\n";
echo "<td height='19'><textarea name='message' cols='45'style='$style_inputfield' rows='10' class='$class_inputfield'>".$_REQUEST['message']."</textarea></td></tr>\n";
echo "<tr><td width='75' > </td>\n";
echo "<td height='19' align='right'>* $txt_mandatory</td></tr>\n";
echo "<tr><td width='75'> </td>\n";
echo "<td height='19'><input name='Submit' type='Submit' class='$class_inputbutton' value='$txt_send'>\n";
echo "<input name='do' type='hidden' id='do' value='send'></td>\n";
echo "</tr></table>\n";
echo "</form>\n";
######################### END Contact Form ##########################
spero qualcuno mi possa aiutare, grazie per la disponibilità e complimenti per il forum.